

それぞれの最後の食事(無人島の備蓄から)Agatha Christie "And then there were none"

Rogers went round with the coffee tray. The coffee was good - really black and very hot.

They went into breakfast. There was a vast dish of eggs and bacon on the sideboard and tea and coffee.

'Let us start our breakfast. The eggs will be cold. Afterwards, there are several matters I want to discuss with you all.'
They took the hint. Plates were filled, coffee and tea was poured. The meal began.
Discussion of the island was, by mutual consent, tabooed.

'I hope lunch will be satifsctory. There is cold ham and cold tongue, and I've boiled some potatoes. And there's cheese and biscuits, and some tinned fruits.'
Lombard said:
'Sounds all right. Stores are holding out, then?'
'There is plenty of food, sir - of a tinned variety. The larder is very well stoced.

The eggs were in the frying-pan. Vera, toasting bread, thought to herself:

Emily Brent said shsarply:
'Vera, that toast is burning.'
'Oh sorry, Miss Brent, so it is. How stupid of me.'
Emily Brent lifted out the last egg from the sizzling fat.
Vera, putting a fresh piece of bread on the toasting fork, said curiously:
'You're wonderfully calm, Miss Brent.'

Breakfast was a curious meal. Every one was very polite.
'May I get you some more coffee, MissBrent?'
'Miss Claythorne, a slice of ham?'
'Another piece of toast?'
Six people, all outwardly self-possessed and normal.
And within? Thoughts that ran round in a circle like squirrels in a cage...

'Who'll have the last egg?'
'Thanks, can I cut you some bread?'
Six people, behaving normally at breakafst...

All five of them had gone to the kitchen. In the larder they had found a great store of tinned foods. They had opened a tin of tongue and two tins of fruit. They had eaten standing round the kitchen table.

Once again they went into the kitchen. Again they opened a tin of tongue. They ate mecanically, almost without tasting.

Agatha Christie "And then there were none"

"You Won't Be Able To Put Down"な本は、人生の大きな楽しみ。 こういう本で洋書にチャレンジすると、間違いなく読了できる。